So. Anyone who is reading this, hello and welcome to my corner of the web.
I have decided to become a blogger!
Why, you ask? Well, first of all, because I am a writer. Not published...yet...but it's in me to write. Second of all, because I'm not published yet. Writers who want to make that hallowed leap to authors have to go through a grueling process. Mine started two years ago. I have always wanted to be a writer when I grew up, and at a friend's wedding mentioned this. Her dad smiled kindly and told me I was grown up.
Gulp. But he was right. Thus, I decided to write a book. Words came. Characters formed. And 100 single-spaced pages later...nothing had really happened.
So I tried again. I developed characters, wrote meticulous details of their pasts, their foibles, their gifts. I committed to write every day, and I did. Three months later, I had a rough draft! Three months after that, I had a second draft I was pretty hyped about and decided to get published.
Well, my friends, that is just the beginning, let me tell you. Now, a year later, I have edited many more times, and my beautiful baby is ready for her debutante ball.
Last week I sent letters to a few agents to feel out their interest in this project. So far, two have said no.
This is not unexpected. Almost all published authors have a story of the vast number of rejections that they collected over five to ten years while waiting for one glorious, "I'd like to represent you!" letter.
Being a logical person, I thought knowing this is how the process goes would make it less painful.
Let me be clear. It doesn't.
Monday, upon receipt of my first rejection letter, I waffled between wine, a mocha, and a facial. I settled for six sugar cookies.
Today, after receiving my second, I colored my hair. For the next six to twelve washes, I'm a redhead. So far, I like it.
But, you can see my dilemma. I don't really want any tattoos, and I'm content with the number of piercings I already have. I can't afford to eat half a dozen cookies for the next thirty letters, and while I'm not willing to say no spa treatments, I can't really afford to make a habit of it.
Thus, the blog. My goal is to keep my eyes on things of above. (God.) This is going to be extra hard when the blows to my sensitive writer's ego start falling thick and fast. So I have decided, in addition to my morning devotion and prayer time, to look for God working in the small things all day. I rarely get divine insights, so don't expect revelations on these posts. But, I hope you may be encouraged to look for God in the people and situations around you, the snippets of life and snapshots of beauty, if you will.
Love this post. You are amazing! (And your profile pic is gorgeous...) I've read that book. You will make it!