Monday, November 21, 2011

OKC in da hizouse

Tomorrow I get to work from home in OKC. I'm grateful for this for a number of reasons.
1) I've just snuck some nanowrimo words in under the line,thus I'm getting to bed late and I don't have to get up in time to do my hair.
2) I will wake up in a house where I'm not the only non-cat resident, so when I chit chat while I have my morning coffee, someone will respond.
3) I GET TO SEE MY FAMILY! Including my sister who has been overseas for 11 months. We've emailed and even Skyped but I've missed that third dimension.

So, thank you Jesus for family, for morning coffee time, and for hugs. And thank you for a job that can be so wonderfully flexible!!!  All my love.

1 comment:

  1. Amen, He gives us so many joys and I'm thankful for the many small blessings that add so much to our lives.
