Sunday, October 3, 2010

God and Gourds

This weekend, fall came. It wasn't the armload of leaves that has made itself at home in my walkway. Nor was it the profusion of football team flags whipping frenetically down the interstate....go Jackets. It wasn't the way dusk falls just after lunch, or even that mysterious edge on the wind that makes goosebumps rise on naked arms and then disappears into the mild warmth of a distant sun.

No, it was in the sweet warm aroma of pumpkin spice coffee brewing early on a Sunday.

Indeed, the official flavor of fall heralded the changing of the season with much enthusiasm and very little restraint.

My sister was in town this weekend and after a brisk walk around the lake, we stopped by the local Fresh Market to refill the coffee canister. And there, to our delight, was pumpkin spice. They say that scents trigger memories better than any other sensation. It proved true. Pumpkin Spice is always reminiscent of sweaters and scarves that smell vaguely of storage, of cold noses and warm gloves, of a single starter log burning in the fireplace.

I have been listening to Christmas carols for a few weeks. I offer that as a confession, as it seemed too early, even in the privacy of my earphones. I just couldn't wait.

But, it's as if this weekend and the sudden and robust presence of fall has granted permission for that unique energy that comes with the holidays. And I love that.

Every seasonal change reminds me of what a blessing it can be. I speak from the fresh experience of having moved to the grand town of Little Rock, AR. I think we all fear change to some degree and I am NO exception. However, when God is tugging at your hand, it's best to follow. This transition has been great in some ways and hard in some ways and is far from done. But it's been good. And in the midst of a lot of differentness, I am so wild about God's invent a word. He doesnt change. Ever. So when things get unfamiliar and overwhelming, it is so amazing to cling to the Lord, who goes through it all with me, and is the same God I've known for the past 22 years. Phew.

So, today I'm grateful for Pumpkin Spice and all it brings to mind. I'm grateful for family and holidays, the pinnacle of which is the birthday of my Lord, my Savior, my Love. Thank you, Jesus, for coming at all and especially for coming with a message of such joy. I love love love you! Thank you for changes in weather and in life, and that through it all you've sprinkled little joys and reminders of your the familiar scent of pumpkin and spice.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post! And I love pumpkin spice coffee. And I also love the eternity-ness of God. He is so awesome!
